Aladin Feratovic

Aspiring Data Scientist and Machine Learning Enthusiast!

I'm an up-and-coming Data Scientist trying to further my skill set and become better everyday, while also helping others who are also interested in the field of Data Science! The main reason for creating this website is to post blogs in an attempt to make learning the various difficult concepts of Data Science, easier for the average person. After years of working in various fields, and graduating from University, I've recently "picked up" Programming and have been learning it on my own for the past year. I fell in love with data and only wish that I've learned it earlier. Therefore, I will try my best to explain various concepts in ways that the average person can understand in order to save people the time, and hopefully provide them more insight. 

P.S. My Hobbies include Traveling, Playing guitar, and blogging, of course...

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